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Monthly Magazine „Perspectives“



Free e-books now available

Floris Books, a Christian Community publishing house in Eng- land, now offers several downloadable eBooks on various to- pics, including the sacraments, meditation and what lies beyond death. They are free of charge and can be found here:


Suggested Reading

These and other books may be purchased at, at and through other online dealers. A few may be out of print, but still findable used. Rudolf Steiner also lectured extensively on the Bible.

Prayer and Contemplation

Meditative Prayers for Today, Adam Bittleston
Prayers and Graces, Michael Jones
The Healing Power of Prayer, Hans Werner Schroeder
The Hope of the World: Contemplations and Aphorisms, Rudolf Frieling Meditation: Guidance of the Inner Life, Friedrich Rittle- meyer
Ways into Christian Meditation, Bastiaan Baan

Old and New Testaments

The New Testament, A Rendering, Jon Madsen
By Emil Bock:
Genesis: Creation and the Patriarchs
Kings and Prophets: Saul, David, Solomon, Elijah, Jonah, Isaiah, and Jeremiah Moses: From the Mysteries of Egypt to the Jud- ges of Israel

Threefold Mary
The Childhood of Jesus: The Unknown Years
The Three Years: The Life of Christ between Baptism and Ascen- sion
Caesars and Apostles: Hellenism, Rome and Judaism
Saint Paul: Life, Epistles, and Teaching
The Apocalypse of Saint John
Studies in the Gospels, Volume 1 (2010)
By Rudolf Frieling:
New Testament Studies Old Testament Studies
The Timeless Storyteller: A Study of the Parables in the Gospels, Evelyn Francis Capel

Theology and Christology

Free from Dogma: Theological Reflections in The Christian Community, Tom Ravetz The Trinity, Hans Werner Schroeder Necessary Evil: Origin and Purpose, Hans Werner Schroeder Renewing Christianity, James Hindes

Christ and the Son of Man, Wilhelm Kelber
The Eucharist, Rudolf Frieling
The Christian Creed, A Meditative Path, Hans Werner Schroeder The Cosmic Christ, Hans Werner Schroeder
Seven Sacraments: In The Christian Community, Evelyn Capel and Tom Ravetz
The Beginnings of Christianity: Essene Mystery, Gnostic Revela- tion and the Christian Vision, Andrew Welburn
Lord of the Elements, Bastiaan Baan
Old and New Mysteries, Bastiaan Baan
The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz: A Commen- tary on a Christian Path of Initiation, Johann Valentin Andreae, Bastiaan Baan

Death and Dying

Though You Die: Death and Life Beyond Death, Stanley Drake Where Are You? Coming to Terms with the Death of My Child, Karin V. Schilling Crossing the Threshold: Practical and Spiritual Guidance on Death and Dying, Based on the Work of Rudolf Steiner, Nicholas Wijnberg


Festivals with Children, Brigitte Barz
Thirteen to Nineteen Discovering the Light, Julian Sleigh Col- lected Plays for Young and Old, Evelyn Capel
The Christmas Story Book, Collected by Ineke Verschuren
The Easter Story Book, Collected by Ineke Verschuren,
The Emperor‘s Vision and other Christ Legends, Selma Lagerlof Stories of the Saints, Siegwart Knijpenga

Cycle of the Year

The Rhythm of the Christian Year: Renewing the Religious Cycle 22

of Festivals, Emil Bock Celebrating Festivals Around the World, Evelyn Francis Capel
The Christian Year, Evelyn Francis Capel
Festivals with Children, Brigitte Barz


Our Spiritual Companions: From Angels and Archangels to Cherubim and Seraphim,
Adam Bittleston
What the Angels Need to Tell Us Now: Receiving, Considering and Acting on Their Messages, Irene Johanson

More Messages from the Angels: Preparing to Receive, Verify- ing and Confirming the Truth, Irene Johanson
Encounters with Angels, Dan Lindholm

Life Issues

Crisis Points: Working Through Personal Problems, Julian Sleigh Friends and Lovers: Working Through Relationships, Julian Sleigh
Learning to Experience the Etheric World: Empathy, the Af- ter-Image and a New Social Ethic, Baruch Luke Urieli

Male and Female: Developing Human Empathy, Baruch Luke Urieli
Human Needs and Cosmic Answers: The Spirit of the Circling Stars, Adam Bittleston Thirteen to Nineteen Discovering the Light, Julian Sleigh

Christianity and Islam, Frieling, Rudolf


Ninetta Sombart: Life and Art, Volker Harlan
The Isenheim Altar: Suffering and Salvation in the Art of Grue- newald, Gottfried Richter Art and Human Consciousness, Gott- fried Richter